The Enclave at Oak Hill Condominium Owners' Association

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- Written by: Phil Tolle
- Hits: 1497
Your Board of Directors would like to remind our fellow neighbors that the 9 Volt Batteries in each of your Smoke Detectors throughout your Condo residence should be changed out at least once a year. Don't worry, the Smoke Detectors are wired separately and work independent of your respective buildings Fire Sprinkler system and alarm,
In addition, as the Enclave at Oak Hills celebrates our 13th year in Gulf Shores, please note that your original Smoke Detectors were installed during the initial process. (The manufacturing date is imprinted on the back of each device). The typical life span of a smoke detector is 10 years.
A replacement unit is featured in the photos below and supplies the necessary wire
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 1162
Beginning on April 1, 2019 bank draft capability for our monthly condominium association dues will be available once again. Our administrative service provider will handle this service for us. If you are interested in using this new service to pay your monthly dues, please print the authorization form below and either bring or mail the signed form along with a voided check from the bank and account that you wish to use to St. Johns Business Services for processing.
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- Written by: Administrator
- Hits: 4264
In February of this year (2013), the Board of Directors decided that, in order to prevent an increasing problem with speeding on our property, we needed to impose a property-wide speed limit. This speed limit was established at eight (8) miles per hour. To that end, we have posted several speed limit signs on the property. While most residents have complied with this, some have not.
The Board has also installed a “speed bump” at the main entrance to the property as well