Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

From the list below select a FAQ that interests you. If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us.


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 04 Oct 2023

If you don't have a coupon for your Association dues, please send payment to:
Enclave at Oak Hill
P.O. Box 2759
Gulf Shores, AL  36542

If you have a administrative question or issue and need to talk with someone, please call St. Johns Business Services at
(251) 968-7433. Identify to them that you are from The Enclave at Oak Hill.

The mailing address is:
Enclave at Oak Hill Condominiums
P.O. Box 2759
Gulf Shores, AL  36542

They are owned by the association and DO NOT transfer as private property of individual units. Contact our Storage Unit Administrator for closet assignment.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

All Enclave at Oak Hill Board of Directors meetings are open to owners of condominium units of The Enclave. There are usually one meeting per quarter. A notice of each meeting is placed in the window box near the elevator on the ground floor of each building. A notice is also placed on the Clubhouse door. In addition, a noticed is placed on the Home page of this website.

In addition to Board Meeting, a Budget Ratification Meeting is held annually in December. This meeting is designed to discuss the budget for the coming year. Owners are invited to attend this meeting in order to better understand financial aspects for The Enclave. A notice of this meeting will be posted in a similar manner as the Board Meetings.


When are the annual board meetings held?

The Annual Owners Meeting  is held every year on the last Saturday in February. This meeting is designed to present topics of interst and a summary of major events that have happened during the previous year. All owners are invited to attend. A notice of this meeting will be posted in a similar manner as the Board Meetings.

Each year in January, a letter is sent to each owner of record which solicits the owner to run for election to the Board of Directors. This letter asks for background information about the candidate. Interested owners are asked to send the background form back. Once received, their name is placed upon a ballot and those attending the annual meeting are asked to vote on their choice of candidate(s).

Minutes from Board meetings are generally published shortly after the succeeding Board meeting for which the minutes refer. The reason for this is because the Board members must approve the minutes before they can be published. The minutes of the Buget Ratification Meeting (held in December of each year) are published at the end of February of the following year because there generally isn't a Board meeting until then. Minutes of the Annual Owners Meeting are voted on the year after they occur and therefore are not published until that time.


Who are the Members of The Enclave's Board of Directors?

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • James Borders, President
  • Phil Tolle, Vice President
  • Todd Bain, Treasurer
  • Rex Lawson, Secretary
  • Brandon Harwell, Member-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • James Borders, President
  • Todd Bain, Vice President
  • Beck Stubljar, Treasurer
  • Rex Lawson, Secretary
  • Amanda McNorton, Member-At-Large
    • Resigned 03/26/2024
  • Phil Tolle, Member-At-Large
    • Appointed To Board - 03/26/2024

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • James Borders, President
  • Rex Lawson, Vice President
  • Beck Stubljar, Treasurer
  • Joyce Peterson, Secretary
  • Amanda McNorton, Member-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • James Borders, President
  • Rex Lawson, Vice President
  • Amanda McNorton, Treasurer
  • Joyce Peterson, Secretary
  • Joe Toth, Member At Large
    • Resigned 08/07/2022
  • Amie Miller, Member-At-Large
    • Appointed To Board - 08/07/2022

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Phillip Tolle, President
  • Michael Anderson - Treasurer
    • Sold Unit, No Longer Eligible 09/20/2021
  • Amanda McNorton, Treasurer
    • Appointed To Board - 09/20/2021
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Olin Kropog, Member At Large
  • Joe Toth, Member At Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Rex Lawson - President
    • Resigned 11-05-2020
  • Phillip Tolle, Vice President
    • Became President 12-28-2020
  • Michael Anderson, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Olin Kropog, Member At Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Bob Scidmore, President
    • Resigned 04/26/2019
  • Rex Lawson, Vice President
    • Became President Effective 04/26/2019
  • Phillip Tolle, Member At Large
    • Became Vice President - Effective 04/26/2019
  • Michael Anderson, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Olin Kropog, Member At Large
    • Appointed To Board - 04/26/2019

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Olin Kropog, President
  • Bob Scidmore, Vice President
  • Marthe Weaver, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Rob Gilliam, Director-At-Large
    • Resigned 08/02/2018
  • Rex Lawson, Director-At-Large
    • Appointed To Board - 08/02/2018

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Olin Kropog, President
  • Steve Kauffman, Vice President
  • Marthe Weaver, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Rob Gilliam, Director-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Steve Kauffman, President
  • Mike Roberson, Vice President - RESIGNED
  • John Milano, Treasurer - RESIGNED
  • Marthe Weaver, Treasurer
    • Appointed To Board
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Olin Kropog, Director-At-Large
  • Rob Gilliam, Director-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:


The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Steve Kauffman, President
  • David Stroud, Vice President
  • Rob Gilliam, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Becky Powers, Director-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Steve Kauffman, President
  • Gene Moore, Vice President - Resigned 05/30/2013
  • James Borders, Secretary / Treasurer
  • Becky Powers, Director-At-Large
  • Tim Clayborn, Director-At-Large
  • Lenny Burns, Director-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Lenny Burns, President
  • Steve Kauffman, Vice President
  • Mike Anderson, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Gene Payne, Director-At-Large

This year (2012) is the first year of the staggered terms approach for Director elections. 

Lenny Burns and Michael Anderson will serve a one (1) year term or until the Annual Membership meeting in 2013.  At that time, they may run for re-election for a two year term.

Steve Kauffman, James Borders, and Gene Payne will serve a two (2) year term or until  the Annual Membership meeting in 2014. At that time, they may run for re-election for a two year term.

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:

  • Lenny Burns, President
  • Steve Kauffman, Vice President
  • Mike Anderson, Treasurer
  • James Borders, Secretary
  • Ken Hitson, Director-At-Large

The Board of Directors for The Enclave at Oak Hill are:


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

We have a vieo of how to clean and maintain your A/C drain line. See the video at How To Clean and Maintain Your A/C Drain Line

Waste Management will empty the dumpsters three (3) times per week - Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Garbage / waste IS NOT picked up from individual units.  You should bring your garbage to either of the dumpsters located in the parking area.

There is "CALL" button on wall of the elevator cab near the buttons for the floors. When pressed, it will call our elevator service provider KONE. KONE will call our Property Manager who will then come to let you out. If for some reason you are not able to hear the agent from KONE and you have your cell phone with you then call 911 and tell the operator that you are stuck in an elevator and they will send the GS Fire Department to let you out.

Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "H", "G", "A", and "B"  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • June
  • September
  • December
  • March

Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "C", "D", "E", and "J"  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • July
  • October
  • January
  • April

  Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "F", "I", and Clubhouse  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • August
  • November
  • February
  • May


N.B. If you have an alarm system in your unit, you will need to disarm it on your spray dates AND then send our Property Manager a text message to let her know it has been turned off OTHERWISE the exterminator technician WILL NOT spray in these units..  

N.B.  If you need your unit re-treated, please contact our Property Manager to make arrangements.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

No.  The clubhouse is for the use of all residents. It cannot be reserved for any event. he The clubhouse is available during open hours for any resident to use.

Yes. You must be at leat 16 years old (with I.D.) in order to use the exercise equipment in the Clubhouse.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

St. Johns Business Services is the name of the bookkeeping firm that handles the Association's financial transactions (i.e. accounts receivable and accounts payable). This is where you send your monthly dues and any special assessment.

Audits of our financial records are performed every five years.

Water, Pest Control, Garbage Pickup (from the dumpsters), cleaning of the property, pool maintenance, Clubhouse, Landscaping, Security camera monitoring and patrols, DISH TV, Internet, local telephone service

Electricity for your condo, telephone service outside of local area (may be purchased at additional charge from Secure Vision), and your personal content insurance (HO6 policy).

While we have enjoyed many years of minimal insurance fees, which were covered by our COA dues, we have recently experienced a rise in insurance cost.  Insurance rates are influenced by many factors and go up and down as those factors change.  These factors include a rise in property value, natural disasters (and subsequent claims) and the number of insurers who will write policies in the Gulf.  When the cost of insurance is more than what we collect through our COA fees, we are assessed for the difference. . For a more detailed understanding of this issue, please refer to this article: What's the Deal With Insurance Assessments? (

Bids are not solicited for insurance needs for this type of (commercial) complex.  Insurance for a condominium complex is entirely different than what would be needed for a indivial house. Instead, a broker is hired (or renewed) to assess our needs and compare policies in order to obtain the appropriate coverage for the least amount of money.  In the current climate, many policy carriers will not write more than a certain amount in coverage which requires many properties like ours to have multiple, layering policies.  

The financial reports from St. Johns can be found by following the directions below:

  1. Login to our website
  2. Click on Documents in the Menu bar
  3. Click on Owners Documents
  4. Click on Owner Financial Information
  5. Click on Monthly Financial Reports
  6. Click on the year you’re interested in (eg. 2024)
  7. Click on the report you’re interested in (eg. 2024-03 Enclave Financial Reports)


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

Secure Vision  251-967-4455

If a problem exists with pests, please email the Property Manager and she will set up a time for them to re-treat your unit.

Contact depends upon who you bought your door from. Phantom Doors are the only approved screen doors for the front door. Retractable screens forRear / Bedroom doors do not have this requirement.

Phantom Doors - Contact Backyard Paradice, Brandon Myers, (251) 661-2568

Retractable screens for Rear / Bedroom doors can be special ordered from Home Depot

You can email the Property Manager for Information regarding approved shades for balconies/patios. There is a choice of two different companies to purchase shades. One company will come out and measure and install for you. To order from the other company, you will need to send them the exact measurements and you will have to have someone install them for you.

Phone: 251-968-7433 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 251-424-4267 - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

Resident Parking Permit stickers for vehicle windshields can be purchased from our Property Manager and will be billed to the owner of the unit. The cost is $25 per sticker. Guest Parking Permit Hang-tags are also available from our Property Manager and will be billed to the owner of the unit. These are also $25 each (see Fee Schedule)

Storage closet / units are assigned by our Storage Unit Administrator. There are not enough storage units for every unit. You must place a request with the Storage Unit Administrator using the request form located on the Contact Us page of the website. As soon as a storage unit becomes available, you will be offered one. You may DEFER until a storage unit of your choosing becomes available; or you can choose one and stay on the list for a storage unit in a specified building.

No. Golf carts are not allowed on the property.

Yes. We have a storage area for kayaks which is next to the Clubhouse on the north side of Building I. This is a "space available" storage area. Please email the Property Manager with the numbered space you are using for a kayak.

Secure Vision – 251-967-4455.

Only Phantom Doors are approved for the front doors of the units. See the "Screen Doors & Balcony Shades" topic for more information.

There are bicycle storage racks on the first floor underneath the stairs in each building. If you prefer and if there is enough storage area in the storage unit assigned to you, you may place bicycles in that storage unit. Remember, a clear walking area must be maintained for Fire Department personnel in all storage units that house standpipes used by the Fire Department or that house the breaker box and fire alarm panel.

Clubhouse, pool area, sidewalks, grassy areas and shrubs around each building, parking lot. Basically, any area outside of your unit. The patios and balconies are Limited Common Areas.

Yes. No Unit Owner shall play upon or cause to be played upon any musical instrument, or operate or permit to be operated a phonograph, radio, television set, loud speaker, or other sound amplification device in such Unit Owner's Unit between 10:00 P.M and the following 9:00 A.M., if the same shall disturb or annoy other occupants of the Building, and in no event shall a Unit Owner practice or cause to be practiced either vocal or instrumental music between the hours of 10P.M. and the following 9 A.M. A one-time warning per unit will be issued and all subsequent occurrences can result in fines.

Yes. However, the replacement lock must be of the same style as those that were originally put on each unit door. Additionally, the lock must be keyed to our master lock.

Aaron’s Lock & Key (251-967-1919) is familiar with our property and can key any new lock to the Enclave’s master key for a extra charge.

No article (including, but not limited to, garbage cans, bottles or bags) shall be placed in any of the Common Areas, except those as specifically defined below or designated by the Association or as approved in writing by the Board. Nothing shall be hung or shaken from any doors, windows, roofs, balconies, terraces or patios or placed upon the n't in residence at the time, contact our Property Manageer so that she can window sills of the Building. The following definitions will apply:

  • Residents (owners & tenants) may place items outside their immediate entryway provided there are no more than a combination of three (3) pieces of furniture / decorative type items and two (2) small potted plants.

Reference Rules & Regulations #5

One owner who has replaced the tile in their kitchen area reported that there is an underlayment of gypcrete. According to Gene's Flooring, adhesive does not stick to gypcrete and an underlayment must be added. Gypcrete is no longer being used in construction for this reason. The tiles popped right up. They were not stuck to the gypcrete. 

Yes and No. Only electric grills are allowed on your balcony. Charcoal and Propane grills are NOT allowed by Gulf Shores Fire Department regulations.

It depends.

If you live on a top floor of one of our buildings and you notice a water leak in your unit, you probably should call our Property Manager as the leak could be from one of the main water lines coming into each building.

If you don't live on the top floor, the first thing to do is try to determine if the leak is coming from the unit above you. If it is then you and that owner should work out the details about how to get you unit repaired. if the unit owner above you is not in residence, then contact our Property Manager for assistance.

If neither of the above situations applies, please call the Property Manager.


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 17 Feb 2018

This is a video of how to Clean and Maintain your A/C Drain Line.


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

Furniture removal is an owner responsibility.  If any furniture is not removed from the balcony, it will be moved by the Association representative at the expense of $100.00 to be assessed to the onwer. ***Pease Note*** The furniture will not be put back on the balconies.  The return of the furniture to the balcony is an owner’s responsibility.

The latest hurricane preparedness checklist of things to consider can be found in our Documents section.

Select the Documents menu item from the menu bar at the top. From there select Public Documents and then scroll down the page until you find the Hurricane Preparedness Checklist. Click on the blue View button to see the checklist.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

Gulf Shores Residents Park for Free

City of Gulf Shores Corporate Limits residents and people who own property within the Corporate Limits and who have a valid Hurricane Re-Entry / Beach Parking Pass may park at all paid public parking locations without payment. Hurricane Re-Entry / Beach Parking Passes must be clearly displayed and permanently affixed on the driver's side of the front windshield of the vehicle at the time of parking.

For more information, please see Beach Parking | Gulf Shores, AL - Official Website (

Free Annual Pass for Veterans (valid for one calendar year) with expiration of December 31st annually. The Free Annual Pass for Veterans is available at Gulf State Park office headquarters. Veterans must present ID and verification of service

For more information, please see GSP paid parking FAQ - 4-21-2021_0.pdf (

Copies of documents stored on the Baldwin County Probate website can be obtained FREE of charge by following the directions in the attached PDF.

  Probate Instructions

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

Please contact our Property Manager to find out the gate code that has been assigned to your unit.

No. The major delivery services have been assigned a gate code (FedEx, UPS, Police Fire, Waste Management). If you have any other delivery, you would need to give them your personal gate code.

Please contact our Property Manager for additional / replacement Guest Parking hang-tags.

Depending upon the number of bedrooms in your unit, up to three vehicles may be parked in the parking lot. One-bedroom units are allowed up to two vehicles.

Only custom car covers are allowed on any vehicle. Tarps are not allowed as a cover for a vehicle.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

Yes (see Rules and Regulations, Rule 38 (a)). A pet registration form is available on The Enclave's website, or you may request a form from the Property Manager. To use the website form, navigate to Contact Us on the menu bar and then select "Pet Registration" to complete the form.

No (see Rules and Regulations, Rule 38 (c)). All pet owners are responsible for immediate clean up and proper disposal of their pets' waste.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 24 Oct 2023

Pool Hours are: 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Yes. No one under age 16 allowed in hot tub / jacuzzi. Proper identification required.

Yes. No one under age 16 allowed in clubhouse without adult supervision.

We have a limit of four guests (4) per unit. 

Yes with restrictions. NO GLASS containers or dishes of any kind are allowed in the pool area. All litter / trash must be removed (cleaned up) when you leave.

$25 each (see Fee Schedule).

There is no access code for the pool gates. You must use your pool access card to gain entry into the pool area and Clubhouse. 

No smoking and / or vaping or any other tobacco product allowed within t</he pool area or Clubhouse.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

The minium rental period for any / all condominium unit(s) at The Enclave is 180 days (6 months). This coincides with the City of Gulf Shores regulation of the same time frame. This is stated in the Association's Rules and Regulations (Rule 42 (d) ).

No. As provided in the Declaration of Condominium for The Enclave at Oak Hill (Article VIII, Rules and Regulations), ONLY owners are allowed to have pets

From the Enclave’s Declaration of Condominium:

6.03. Share of Common Expenses and Limited Common Expenses. Each Unit Owner shall be assessed and is individually liable for a proportionate share of the Common Expenses and the proportionate share of the Common Expenses shall be the same ratio as the Unit Owner's percentage ownership in the Common Elements as the case may be. Each Unit Owner shall be assessed and is individually liable for the Limited Common Expenses in connection with the patio, balcony, terrace, or porch and storage area and the doorsteps or stoops, if any, as set out in Paragraph 5.12 above. Payment of Common Expenses and Limited Common Expenses shall be in such amounts and at such times as determined in the By-Laws.

Assessments shall be collected by the Association on a monthly basis, except assessments for insurance may, at the determination of the Board of Directors, be collected on an annual or semi-annual basis, and insurance deductibles may be assessed against Unit Owner at the time they become due. No Unit Owner shall be exempt from payment of his or her proportionate share of the Common Expenses or Limited Common Expenses by waiver or nonuse or non-enjoyment of the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements, or by abandonment of his Unit. Common Expenses and Limited Common Expenses shall include but shall not necessarily be limited to expenditures made or liabilities incurred by the Association, together with payments or obligations to reserve accounts.

7.01. Powers and Duties (in part)

The Board shall have the authority and duty to levy and enforce the collection of general and specific Assessments for Common Expenses and Limited Common Expenses and is further authorized to provide adequate remedies for failure to pay such Assessments.

Reasoning for implementing Rental Impact Administration Fees for rental unit..

  1. Landlord owners have expected the Enclave’s Property Manager to communicate with the owner’s property manager when our governing documents specify that the Association is to deal only with the owner of the unit. Our Property Manager is only responsible to the owners unless a tenant is violating Rules & Regulations or one of the other governing documents.
  2. Many tenants call the Association’s’ Property Manager when governing documents state that any contact should go through the landlord or owner of the unit.
  3. The Association’s Property Manager has had to communicate with tenants in order to supply parking passes when this is the owner of the unit’s responsibility.
  4. Based on numerous concerns that have been received from owners as to rentals not paying their fair share of expenses.
    1. Many owners use their condo as second home and only use services 2-4 months a year. Rental unit’s tenants are year-round residents.
    2. Rental units consume water year-round and in excessive amounts.
    3. Rental units have leaky faucets that are never repaired or only repaired when the tenant is not present after moving out.
    4. Rental units’ tenants use elevators disproportionate to owners.
    5. Tenants use the pool areas disproportionately to second home users and more than many full-time owners that call our association home.  This contributes to requiring pump replacement, need for extra chemical additives, leaving excessive trash in pool area creating extra work for cleaning personnel.
    6. Tenants have destroyed neighboring owner’s security cameras, door arrangements, and made verbal threats against owners.
    7. Tenants have stood in the parking lot and screamed threats and cursed our Property Manager.
    8. Tenants have come to the front door of current and past Board members units and screamed threats against the Property Manager and Board members.

Rental Impact Admin Fees are deposited in Association’s operating account helping to offset other COA costs.

The Rental Admin Fee covers the time involved for screening and dealing with tenants and covers the cost for the time involved for move-in and move-out, distributing or replacing new front gate cards or codes, new parking passes, new pool / clubhouse pass cards. If the tenant needs a parking permit or the owner does not provide a pool / clubhouse card, the owner is charged separately for those. It is up to the owner if they choose to give an entry gate card to their tenant. The front gate code has never been an extra charge. The background screening fee is charged separately and not included in the Rental Impact Fee.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

The Board of Directors has approved screen doors for the front entry doors at our condos. This approval comes with restrictions though.

The screen doors must be the retractable kind with a mesh screen . The color of the housing for thee door must be the Sandalwood color and be manufactotred bt Phantom Doors.

An invoice from on of our owners is atttached here  Retractable Screen Door Invoice

The Board of Directors has approved the use / installation of balcony and patio shades within specific guidelines.

Below are two choices for approved shades. The first choice, Budget Blinds, will come out to measure and also to hang the shades. The second choice, you have to measure yourself and have someone install them unless you are handy.

1. Budget Blinds. The approved color is Macchiato. The estimate in the link is from 2014.  I'm sure the price has increased a good bit since that time.

 Blinds must be "Macchiato" in color and be retractable so as not visible except when being actively used. 

Budget Blinds of Baldwin County has balcony shades which meet our guidelines but you may use whomever you choose as long as the guidelines are met.  Our balconies require two shades with each being approximately 78" wide.

Balcony Shades

Click on the following link to view an estimate of cost from 2014 Budget Blinds Estimate

This estimate is from 2014 and most likely has increased in cost.

 2. Select Blinds. The color and style is a match to the shades from Budget Blinds, you just have to send your exact measurements and you have to install yourself.  These shades are a bit less expensive than those from Budget Blinds, but you just have to make sure you give them correct measurements.

 Go to and the color is Bronze, with 5% darkness.  You would have to give them your exact measurements and you would have to get someone to install them or you could do it. You cannot return if they are the wrong size as they are custom cut. 


Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 04 Oct 2023

The channel guide for the SecureVision Premier Package can be found in our Documents section in the Public Documents category

If you have connections problems with your TV reception, Internet availability, and / or Landline telephone, you should call Secure Vision Inc. at (251) 967-4455

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 04 Oct 2023

Garbage / waste IS NOT picked up from individual units.  You should bring your garbage to either of the dumpsters located in the parking area.

Waste Management will empty the dumpsters three (3) times per week - Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "H", "G", "A", and "B"  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • June
  • September
  • December
  • March

Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "C", "D", "E", and "J"  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • July
  • October
  • January
  • April

  Pest control spraying of BUILDINGS "F", "I", and Clubhouse  is performed QUARTERLY on the THIRD (3rd) FRIDAY of :

  • August
  • November
  • February
  • May


N.B. If you have an alarm system in your unit, you will need to disarm it on your spray dates AND then send our Property Manager a text message to let her know it has been turned off OTHERWISE the exterminator technician WILL NOT spray in these units..  

N.B.  If you need your unit re-treated, please contact our Property Manager to make arrangements.

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 20 Oct 2023

"April to June marks termite mating season. Often when it warms up quickly after a rain event, that signals the sleeping insects to wake up. When they do, they are looking for love, hence the crazy dancing in the lamplight." © Gulf Coast Media

"Generally, termites swarm on a warm day after a rainfall. Swarms also may occur during the winter in heated buildings. The swarming habits of the most common species in Alabama are described below.

  • The eastern subterranean termite swarms in daylight from February to May. Swarms often take place earlier in the year in Alabama and other warm, southern states.

  • The Formosan termite swarms at night during the late spring.

  • The dark southeastern subterranean termite usually swarms in daylight between March and June.

  • The southeastern drywood termite swarms at night, typically in the spring."

© Orkin

"Termites are attracted to light. If you see a swarm in your yard or near your yard, turn off your outdoor lights. The insects should move on in about 30-45 minutes to a better lit area. If you have a swarm in your home, seal off the room, and definitely call a professional. It is important to figure out where the insects are entering the building and have that sealed."&nbsp;© Gulf Coast Media

Category: FAQs - By Administrator - 03 Oct 2023

Owners of condominiums located at The Enclave at Oak Hill can use our Registration form located on our Contact Us menu.   The Contact Us menu is located on the toolbar at the top of every page.

Documentation for this site can be found by clicking on the " drop-down=""

Some browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) do not properly display PDF documents correctly.  If this should happen to a document that you are trying to view, simply "refresh" the screen which opens when you clicked the PDF icon.  In most cases this will solve the problem.  The "Refresh" can be accomplished by clicking the right side of the address bar at the top of wser window (in IE 8) or by right-clicking your mouse button and choosing REFRESH.

If you find a problem or if something just doesn't work or look right wih this website, please go to the "Contact Us" menu item on each page and select the menu item entitled "Webmaster and Assistant Webmaster" to send us an email. Be as specific as you can about the problem that you encountered. We will do our best to correct the issue.